Smiling student in the Tutoring Center with variety of text books.

Writing, Languages, and Business

To get the most out of your tutoring session, please come to us with questions, your assignment sheet, previous drafts, and any notes from your instructor.

Our writing tutors can help on any writing assignment in any subject area and can help at any stage of the writing process!

Writing Resources

  • Hot-sheets with information about commonly asked questions. Some of our hot-sheets include:
    • MLA 8 Citation
    • APA Citation Guide
    • Logos, Ethos, Pathos
  • Computers for use with tutoring
  • Some current textbooks
  • Subject specific YouTube videos

Additional online resources

We offer language tutoring for most language classes offered at San Juan College. The languages we currently offer tutoring for are:

  • Navajo
  • Spanish

Language Resources:

  • Hot-sheets with information about commonly asked questions and worksheets.
  • Computers for use with tutoring
  • Some current textbooks
  • Subject specific YouTube videos

We offer tutoring in the following areas:

  • General business*
  • Accounting*
  • Economics*
  • Computer Science*
  • Marketing*
  • DMAD*

*Note that tutoring for specific business classes have limited availability. Please contact the Academic Support Coordinator for availability.

Business Resources

  • Hot-sheets with information about commonly asked questions.
  • Computers for use with tutoring
  • Some current textbooks

Additional Online Resources:

Accounting YouTube Playlist - This link will take you to a playlist on our YouTube channel with all our Accounting related videos.

Phone: (505) 566-3981
Student Center Building
Room 1611

Mon - Thurs: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sat & Sun: Closed